"You will be going uphill from now on and you will have to make your own way. So Sotuknang told you: The farther you go, the harder it gets."

"He began to learn, in brief, that he too had two aspects. He was a member of an earthly family and tribal clan, and he was a citizen of a great universe, to which he owed a growing allegiance as his understanding developed."

"You must go on alone and find your own place of Emergence. Just keep your doors open, and your spirits will guide you."

"You must always remember and observe these three phases of your Creation. The time of the three lights, the dark purple, the yellow and the red reveal in turn the mystery, the breath of life, and warmth of love. These comprise the Creator's plan of life for you as sung over you in the Song of Creation."

"There is only one thing I ask of you. To respect the Creator at all times. Wisdom, harmony, and respect for the love of the Creator who made you. May it grow and never be forgotten among you as long as you live."


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